Let the beauty of what you love be what you do.

heart space

Love for Pachamama

In harmony – when we connect our heart to Pachamamas we resonate.

We allow ourselves to come into stillness and listen. We feel what feels right and good and now and again find access to our heart’s power, our own being and the essence of life.

This heartfelt connection can mirror itself in creative works and reflects the diversity of our being, such as:

  • painting pictures
  • shaping sculptures or creating mandalas
  • writing stories or poems
  • composing songs and dances
  • developing breathing exercises or meditations and so much more
Isle of Sky

Works by different artists

Knud the forest spirit.by Gabriele Rosal Heinze
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Focus Areas

Sonne scheint durch Fels


Look – pause – close your eyes. What comes from the heart echoes in YOUR heart.

Mensch im Sonnenuntergang


Listen with your eyes closed – let yourself be carried.
The soul can only really dangle when YOUR heart comes to rest.

Schamanische Trommel


Breathe – allow – feel YOU from the inside. YOUR heart feels what it wants to feel, regardless of your mind’s objections.

Kind sitzt in einer Wiese


Let your roots grow deep into Pachamama. Learn to connect YOUR heart with her heart.

Pachamama Fine Arts Studio

…. offers inspiration to strengthen our heart power.
…. is a resonating space to cultivate and celebrate our love for Mother Earth.
…. is a platform to show this connection in creative works.

Exchange and encounter

Pachamama’s Fine Arts Studio is meant to be a platform where we show our creations: I invite you to use this stage as an opportunity to share your works with others, to be inspired and to exchange ideas – or just to enjoy. Would you like to be part of it and help shape it?

Wald und Himmel