Heart Healing

by Sonia Emilia Rainbow

Description of work

Sonia Emilia Rainbow received this medicine song around 1990 during a 7-year shamanic diet. This is a very deep form of cleansing of the body, feelings/emotion, thoughts, and spirit to transform dark, blocking energies into luminous and nurturing forces. At the same time, intelligent medicinal plants are used that support the connection with the spiritual worlds.
At that time, medicine chants in the Amazon were low and often whispered, as heard here. There is a special power in whispered singing, in which the energy waves of the singing are selectively centred in the client’s energy dress – for their healing.
The medicine of this song is to relieve and redeem pain in the heart area (including bronchi, lungs, pancreas, and stomach) with unhealed or processed wounds in the heart in the encounter with love and how we have experienced it become. The singing connects the heart with the consciousness of love. And compassion and peace grow. For yourself. For others.

A work by

Sonia Emilia Rainbow

Is a shamanic naturopathic therapist and speaker. She has been on the shamanic medicine path since 1980 and has worked internationally as a shamanic teacher and healer since 1997. Many shamans from different traditions accompanied her life and her personal development: The Lakota-Ojibways medicine women Henrietta BeaverWoman and TwoStarWoman, Maestra Olivia Arevalo and Maria Arevalo from the Shibipo-Conibo tribe in the Amazon lowlands, Maria el Uevo from Yucatan, Mexico, and Juan Perez, Don Eduardo Calderon and especially the Lakota Sioux elders Singing Bird and Crow Wolf shaped their vocation as shamanic healers. The author is a happy mother of three and grandmother of five.

All works by Sonia Emilia Rainbow

Heart Healingby Sonia Emilia Rainbow